Raschèr Baltic Academy!
The collaboration between the Raschèr Saxophone Quartet and the Nordkolleg has been fruitful for over 20 years. The energy and desire to develop big plans together found the right opportunity in the Raschèr Baltic Academy! (RBA!), founded in 2020.
What is special about the concept is not only the expanded range of courses, but also the plan to work with partners from the Baltic Sea region every year. The Academy participants will therefore also go “on tour” and network with musicians and composers on an international level.
The Raschèr Baltic Academy! consists of coordinated modules that can be chosen individually or in combination. This opens up completely new chances for everyone – for the participants as well as for the teachers. All interested parties have the opportunity to meet up to three times a year at the Nordkolleg. You are cordially invited!
For questions & information
Alexander Thomas
Fachreferent Musik
Chor und Stimme
0 43 31 / 14 38 22
Diana Böhme
Fachsekretariat Musik
0 43 31 / 14 38 48